Beginner Tips
Beginner Tips
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Breakaway is one of the most recognizable elements of a cycling race. A bunch of riders leave the peloton early on and work hard, just to be caught a few kilometers before the finish line and be...
So you’re getting serious about cycling and started questioning yourself if you should shave your legs. If the question pops into your head, your legs will soon be shaven. Trust me on this...
Cycling may seem like an inexpensive sport, but don't be fooled. Entry costs can be high. I have checked prices in different shops to get an idea of how much it costs to start cycling if you are on a...
Many people often do both cycling and running. Although the two sports are similar in some respects, each requires its own equipment. But is it possible to save a few dollars by using the same shoes...
Why are Clip-in Pedals Called Clipless? (Origin of the name)
There comes a time in every cyclist's life when he asks himself why are clipless pedals called clipless. You clip into them, so how can they not have a clip? It defies all logic. But does it...
The Danger of Bee Stings on a Bike (How To Protect Yourself)
Summertime is great for a bike ride. High temperatures with the sun in the sky offer a pleasant experience that is hard to beat in any other season. But as the cyclists come out of their home, so...